God: "Yes, Clarence. A man down on earth needs our help."
Clarence: "Splendid! Is he sick?"
God: "No. Worse. He's discouraged."

In the movie 'It's A Wonderful Life,' we watch the main character, George Bailey, undergo a series of unfortunate events that causes him to ultimately wish that he was never born. God sends an angel named Clarence to show George Bailey the meaning of life.
When God first sends the angel, Clarence, to earth he says to him,
"Yes, Clarence. A man down on earth needs our help."
"Splendid! Is he sick?" replies Clarence
And God replies, "No worse, He's discouraged."
2020 has been quite the discouraging year, wouldn't you agree? There have been talks about how future history books will take up several chapters just to cover all that has happened this year. From lockdown due to a new deadly virus that took the world by surprise, too weeks spent protesting for racial equally, too handling the division of America during an election, and everything in between. I think it is safe to say that we all have felt a lot like George Bailey at some point or another this year.
When you sit back and think about the hardships this year offered us, it's difficult to believe that it all took place in in a span of 365 days. Maybe this year was the toughest year you've every experienced and are happy to see it come to an end. Or maybe your season of discouragement has gone on longer than just the year 2020. Maybe over the last several months you have felt a little bit like George Bailey. Like you are worth more dead than alive. Like the people you have surrendered yourself with would be better off without you.
If you know the story of George Bailey or seen the movie, you know that the angel, Clarence, shows George Bailey what life would look like without him in it. Ultimately this leads George to appreciate his life and those who are in it. He returns to his family and Clarence gets his wings. We might think how lucky George Bailey was to have a visible angel sent to him to guide him and remind him of the importance of his life. And while we may not have an angel like Clarence sent to us, we do have the The Holy Spirit, who works in wonders beyond our imagining to make all things work together for our good (Romans 8:28.) And because God knows sometimes we need tangible reminders, He also gave us the His word to help remind us of the strength we have through Our Savior.
Isaiah 43:2 says: "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze."
This year has definitely felt like we were being swept under in a river, or burned up in a fire. We might look back at our decisions and wish our lives turned out differently, or maybe, just like George Bailey, wish that we were never been even born. But in our most discouraging moments, God hears our cries for help. He cares for our worries and anxieties and asks that we cast our burdens to Him (Psalms 55:22.) The Bible tells us that God keeps track of our sorrows, and collects our tears (Psalms 56:8.) He counts the hairs on our heads (Luke 12:7,) and knew us before we were formed in the womb, (Jeremiah 1:5.) He cares for you. He created you. He loves you. And in your most discouraging moments, He weeps with you and send His Holy Spirit to comfort you.
Sometimes, just like George Bailey, we just need a little reminder of God's goodness. A little reminder of how meaningful our lives are. A little reminder of how wonderful life is.
Be encouraged this Christmas, and remember that even though 2020 has been a discouraging year, it's a wonderful life.