Here at Dare You To Love our core foundation comes from John 13:34-35. At the last supper, Jesus tells his disciples repeatedly to love one another and says "Everyone will know that you are my disciple if you love..."
We believe love is one of the world's most important things and are determined to spread as much of it as possible.

“A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:34-35
What We Believe
1. Jesus Christ is Lord - We believe that Jesus is the Son of God sent to earth as our Savior (John 3:16). He was born from the virgin Mary, died on the cross for our sins, was resurrected three days later, ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God, and will return again to collect His bride, the Church. (Matthew 1:18-25, Matthew 27:32-56, Luke 24:6, Luke 24:50, & Revelation 1:7). His teachings are pivotal to the discussions we have on our podcast and in our blog.
2. The Holy Trinity - We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. All three parts of the trinity are equal to one another, they were all present at creation, and are all present in our lives. (Genesis 1:26, Matthew 3:16-17, & 2 Corinthians 13:14). We believe all people have access to all three parts of the trinity regardless of gender or status (Ephesians 2:18).
3. The Holy Bible - We believe that the Bible is the living word of God (1 Peter 1:23). "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." - 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (Hebrews 4:12).
4. Loving One Another - As we said at the beginning of this page, our core foundation is based on love. We believe that God's love knows no bounds (Hosea 14:4), and it is our responsibility as Christians to make sure that everyone leaves our presences feeling better than when they came in, not because of anything we do but because the overwhelming love of The Lord is transmitted through every conversation.
5. Being The Hands & Feet - Jesus tells us that when we serve the least of these we are serving Him (Matthew 25:40). We believe in serving others through our words, our actions, and our finances.
6. The Fruits Of The Spirit - We believe in the power of our friend, The Holy Spirit, and the gifts He provides us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self control. Operating in these gifts gives us the best opportunity to reach the broken and hurting. (Galatians 5:22-23)
7. Having The Hard Conversation - Jesus can be found having difficult conversations with many different people throughout the Gospels. With His disciples (Matthew 8:26, John 13:26-27), the Samaritan women at the well (John 4:4-42), the Pharisees (Matthew 23) - it was not something he was afraid of and it's not something we should be afraid of either. We believe in having honest and genuine conversation with intent of listening to understand not just listening to reply. Now, we are not Jesus, we don't always say the right things, ask the right questions, or have the best responses; but nonetheless we want to experience the authenticity of life with those we minister to.
8. Giving God Our Best - We believe in putting our best foot forward not for earthly rewards but to honor God (Colossians 3:23). We take a healthy pride our work because we want to honor God for His inspiration and provision for us to continue our ministry.
9. Meet People Where They Are - One of our main goals is reach those who are broken and hurting even though we hardly shy away from addressing the body of Christ head on. With loving other being something we heavily rely on as the foundation of our ministry, we desire all to feel welcome within the grasp of Dare You To Love. Nothing and no one is too dirty or broken for God and therefore nothing and no one is too dirty or broken for us. (Mark 2:17, Romans 8:38, 2 Corinthians 12:9).
10. Heavenly Mindset - Jesus lived a humble life. He worked with His hands, lived a nomadic lifestyle, and often spent His time with tax collectors, sinners, and the sick. In the book of Mark we see Jesus say: " the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve." Jesus had his mind set on Heaven and how He could serve those around Him to help them get there too. We believe in having that same mindset with our ministry. Yes the details matter and we always want to do our best with what we have been given but the most important part is who we are speaking to, how are we showing love to them, & are they being led to Jesus. (Mark 10:45)